Success Story Heidelberger Druckmaschinen

Central control of global SAP transports

End-to-end solution

More transparency and security by replacing manual activities

Implementation of a 4-eyes principle for quality assurance

Synchronous deployment of cross-landscape changes into the respective productive landscape

Kundenprojekt bei Heidelberger Druckmaschinen

The Challenge: Time-consuming processes and high costs

Before REALTECH Transport Manager was introduced, all transports in the total of 14 SAP system landscapes at HDM were handled manually via SAP standard TMS. The actual import into the production environment was carried out by the outsourcer responsible for SAP operations.

This constellation brought with it several disadvantages: The manual approval process was time-consuming and involved media disruptions. In addition, there was a lack of transparency, both in the approval process and in the link between technical transport and business requirement. The dependency of the IT on an external service provider, combined with comparatively high costs per import, was another reason for HDM to completely realign the SAP transport system and organize it centrally. A change management solution developed in-house was to serve as the umbrella system for this, into which the SAP transport system would be fully integrated.

That's why REALTECH: Flexibility and perfect integration

REALTECH Transport Manager was the only software that covered all of HDM’s requirements. In particular, the flexibility and expansion options were decisive factors. In addition, the software’s API offered ideal conditions for quickly putting the transport solution into productive operation.

In a workshop, all parameters for the integration of the software into HDM’s change management solution were worked out together. The workflow and QA functions were integrated via a web service function. For the pilot phase, the system was initially implemented in 4 SAP system landscapes. Thanks to the perfect integration of REALTECH Transport Manager into the newly implemented Change Management solution, HDM was able to efficiently implement all project requirements and goals.

Customer’s Benefits

The reorganization of Change Management at HDM was intended to achieve the following goals:

  • End-to-end solution from business request to import of changes into production
  • More transparency and security by replacing manual activities
  • Implementation of a 4-eyes principle (2 technical approvers) for quality assurance
  • Synchronous deployment of cross-landscape changes into the respective productive landscape
Heidelberger Druckmaschinen

With a market share of over 40% in sheetfed offset printing, Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG (HDM) is the leading international solution provider for commercial and industrial users in the print media industry.

REALTECH’s Transport Manager played a decisive role in the reorganization of our Change Management. Thanks to the flexibility of the software and the very good cooperation with REALTECH, we were able to implement a perfect integration of the software into our overall Change Management solution.

Thomas Wind, Director IT Enterprise Services at Heidelberger Druckmaschinen