TISAX® Audit

Tansparency can be that easy:
All audit-relevant data at the push of a button

TISAX® assessment

The TISAX® (Trusted Information Security Assessment Exchange) testing and exchange mechanism forms the basis for trust-based collaboration in the automotive industry.

Automotive suppliers may be required by clients to implement an Information Security Management System in accordance with TISAX®.


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TISAX® Audit


TISAX® (Trusted Information Security Assessment Exchange) describes a uniform quality standard and testing mechanism for information security within the automotive industry. It forms the basis for trust-based collaboration along the entire value chain. Suppliers and service providers must prove at regular intervals (every three years) that they meet the high security requirements of their clients.

Information Security Management System


The basis for a successful TISAX® audit is an Information Security Management System (ISMS) defined by ISO standard 27001. The task of this ISMS is to manage and improve information security in the company. As a holistic approach, it includes organizational and physical security of the company in addition to IT security.

Asset Data at the Push of a Button


ISMS and our SmartCMDB form the perfect team. Thanks to the flexible data model, you are able to digitally represent all IT and non-IT assets – and thus the entire company. You benefit from a central overview of all recorded objects (e.g. hardware and software, contracts, people or processes). In addition, the SmartCMDB records relationships between the individual objects. This means that dependencies or process gaps can be identified quickly.

TISAX® audit made easy

With the SmartCMDB by REALTECH, many TISAX®-relevant data (especially infrastructure, organizational, and contract data) can be made available to auditors at the push of a button.

Documentation at the push of a button

With the integrated reporting function of SmartCMDB, you can easily keep track of all TISAX®-relevant asset data. This means you can provide information at any time and create up-to-date documentation at the touch of a button – without having to tediously compile the information first. This saves you a lot of work and makes the auditor happy.