Asset Management Software

With the Asset Management Software from REALTECH control your assets throughout their entire lifecycle – from procurement to decommissioning – and always keep an eye on your IT assets. Create transparency with regard to your deployed IT elements and ensure efficient application now.

Benefits of REALTECH Asset Management Software

Our intelligent Asset Management Software offers companies numerous benefits to manage their assets more effectively and efficiently. The tool helps you keep track of your assets, optimize their use and ultimately save costs.

The software solution allows you to document, maintain, update, and decommission all your assets as needed. The software is a valuable tool for any company, regardless of size or industry. In addition, the solution offers flexible customization options to meet your individual requirements.

Central overview of all IT assets

Asset Lifecycle Management

Documentation for audit and inventory

Graphical relations overview

Features that make our asset management tool stand out

Manage IT assets flexibly

Our tool allows you to manage assets according to your individual requirements. You can define which information is to be recorded for the respective components and thus obtain data that is relevant for your business processes.

Complex relations easily detected

The graphical relationship overview of our asset management system clearly displays all connections of your IT assets.

In the event of disruptions or change processes, you can immediately see which assets are affected, easily identify the impact and automatically trigger processes or actions. This in turn can be linked to rules or conditions, such as the warranty period of a device.

Hardware and software usage under control

Keep an eye on your IT components. Reduce software or hardware expenses by keeping an eye on license costs or warranty periods, for example.

Manage hardware and machine inventory to avoid unnecessary purchases or contract renewals. With our asset management software, you can keep track of everything in one place.

Audit and inventory ready at the push of a button

Define which data should not be missing in your audit and inventory documentation. Our asset management system automatically registerrs all the necessary information on the IT and device inventory in order to make it available for important company and audit processes.

Thus, you are well prepared for testing processes such as the TISAX® audit or KRITIS certification.

Next Level Asset Management with SmartCMDB

Our Configuration Management Database, SmartCMDB, builds the data basis for Asset and Configuration Management. The database always provides you with up-to-date details of your IT components and thus supports you in managing IT operations.

Easy Integration into other ITSM processes

Our asset management system can be seamlessly integrated into other ITSM processes. This integration helps to improve the efficiency, transparency and control of your company’s IT infrastructure. This leads to better service provision, higher customer satisfaction and lower operating costs.

Michael Jessing

Director Business Development

What are Asset Management Systems used for?

An asset management system (or asset management tool or asset management software) ensures that tangible and intangible assets (hardware, software systems, machines and all associated information) that are essential for a company to fulfill its business objectives are automatically and seamlessly recorded.

In order for companies to use their assets efficiently, they must proactively manage the entire life cycle. This lifecycle comprises an individual cycle of planning, procurement, deployment, operation, maintenance and decommissioning of assets. It is important to optimize the use of assets so that the total cost of ownership always remains transparent and economical.

In addition, this is the only way to take all tax-relevant aspects into account simply and clearly when preparing the annual report.

Reliable processes, such as intelligent asset management, form the basis for an economical life cycle of configured assets and guarantee smooth IT operations – provided a suitable asset management tool is in use. To be on the safe side, you should rely on a strong partner like REALTECH.

FAQs: Asset Management Software

An Asset Management Tool provides up-to-date information that can be used to manage risks and reduce costs within the company. In short, it is a software solution that can significantly support you in the efficient management and control of your company.

Asset Management includes everything related to managing and tracking fixed assets. The focus is on the following questions:

  • Which installations are or were present?
  • Where were they situated in terms of location and accounting?
  • How much do they cost and how long are they or will they remain in use?
  • How can I use information from my asset inventory to create services and manage business processes (for example, enriching tickets with technical information about the affected device or asset)?

Assets include hardware, software systems or information that is valuable to a company. Examples include: software licenses, real estate, copyrights, shares, bonds, company cars, company PCs and many more.

There is no general answer to this question. However, REALTECH’s Asset Management Tool is field-tested, ITIL-compliant and embedded into an intelligent and comprehensive ITSM solution.