Easy Ticketing for End Users

Encouraging employees to open tickets

Imagine a world where every employee uses the service desk. You don’t have to make annoying phone calls anymore, no one approaches you at coffee break and says, “My monitor is broken.” All report only through the ticket system. Wouldn’t that be marvelous?

In this article, you’ll learn how to give your employees easy access to the service desk. Provide end users with a familiar alternative and reduce the burden on your service desk staff. All you need is Microsoft Teams.

Direct requests are a no-go

In addition to support, IT has other projects. For example: The IT staff is in the middle of a migration. You have a time frame in which this maintenance must be performed. Unfortunately, when an employee makes a direct inquiry now, it is not answered immediately. The supporter is busy with his project and cannot take the call. Only after the task is completed, he processes the request. If, on the other hand, the employee creates a ticket with complete information, it can possibly be solved on the side. In this case, the supporter does not have to make any calls and inquiries to the user. All the necessary information is available in the system.

Here it becomes clear that direct inquiries cost time or are even forgotten. No one benefits from this. The supporter is frustrated because he has to contact the end user afterwards. The end user is disappointed and may not be able to continue working.

It’s much easier with tickets

For the end user, the direct route is easier and supposedly faster. For the IT organization, however, direct requests mean more effort and are more difficult to track.

The ideal scenario for every IT support employee is as follows: The employee detects a malfunction or wants to book a service. He uses the service desk. The supporter receives the message in the service desk. The ticket is prioritized according to urgency and is enriched with relevant information. The supporter does not have to interrupt his work and processes the tasks according to priority.

Engage end users and ease the pressure on IT

As a rule, however, tickets are rather an exception. It needs a simple solution for the end users. We think Microsoft Teams is up to the task. The platform is the most used tool in almost all companies and the daily companion of every employee. What if users could open tickets directly in teams, which would then end up in the ticket system on a regular basis?

REALTECH has integrated the service desk into teams – without the detour via the actual ticket system. With the integration, all functions of the classic service desk can be mapped in teams. No matter whether faults or service requests – the end users no longer have to switch to the ticket system, but take care of everything in the chat.

But how does IT benefit if everything still runs via chat? Thanks to the integration, chat messages are converted into tickets and created in the ticket system. The supporter can work in his usual service management solution or solve small issues via chat. In the process, the information in both tools is automatically synchronized. A solution that simplifies processes for both end users and IT support staff: employees use direct contact and IT receives complete tickets.


Service Management is a solution that both supporters and end users should be happy to use. With our service desk integration for Microsoft Teams both sides benefit:

  • The ease of ticketing increases employee satisfaction.
  • End users do not need to log into third-party systems.
  • IT’s work is less interrupted by personal requests.
  • Direct communication is transformed into structured processes.

This makes support processes faster and more efficient. You save valuable time and costs in the process.


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